A guest post from
Sarah-Grace Sinasohn
(written 2018)
I am from a place where running and endless laughter never end
and playing tag and making lemonade stands is not a summertime only activity
where BFF’s teach you how to throw softballs and swing a bat
That’s where I’m from.
I’m from a place where my dad’s life is pink and filled with dancing, music, and jokes
and where singalongs with Disney are playing 24/7
where moments from a magical land line my walls
and quotes from an “annoying” show, as my dad says, are said like the word “the”
That’s where I’m from.
I am from a place where the smell of sloppy joe’s taste so good after a long day
and meat is cooked to a perfect medium rare
where something that looks gross is turned to a master piece
and encouragement is always on the menu
That’s where I’m from.
I’m from a place where the splash of water, yelling of angry coaches, and tumbling take up most of the week
and the hard work, determination, and long hours pay off
where you hear somersaults from a mile away
and the people that love you most inspire you to try again
That’s where I’m from.
I am from a place where going to church is a weekend favorite
and you see bowling pins knocked down when Santa’s coming to town
where you hear the memories of a magical place everyday
and life saving testimonies are celebrated every July 14th
That’s where I’m from.